Suruchi Phogat of Haryana delivered a sensational performance at the Karni Singh Shooting Range in New Delhi, clinching triple gold in the 10m Air Pistol at the 67th National Shooting Championship. The 18-year-old from Jhajjar, the hometown of double Olympic bronze medallist Manu Bhaker, dominated the senior, junior, and youth women categories.
Suruchi began her triumphant day by securing her first senior national title with a composed performance in the final. She scored 243.1, a commanding victory over defending champion and Paris Olympian Rhythm Sangwan, who finished second with 237.4. Krushnali Rajput of Maharashtra claimed the bronze with 216.5.
The teenager had already showcased her form earlier on Thursday, topping the qualification round with an impressive 585. Competing against a seasoned field that included Rhythm Sangwan, reigning Asian Games champion Palak, India international Divya T.S, and junior world champion Sainyam, Suruchi remained calm and consistent throughout the 24-shot final. Her precision grew sharper as the eliminations began, leaving no doubt about her dominance.
Suruchi’s brilliance extended to the junior and youth finals, where she outperformed her competitors with stellar scores. In the junior final, she overcame a strong challenge from Chandigarh’s Sainyam, clinching gold with a score of 245.1 which was 3.4 points ahead of Sainyam, who settled for silver. Rhythm Sangwan finished third.
Her most emphatic win came in the youth final, where her score of 245.5 left silver medallist Sanskriti Bana of Uttar Pradesh a staggering 6.3 points behind. Palak secured the bronze in this category.
Reflecting on her extraordinary performance, Suruchi said, “It is certainly a most memorable day. Winning my first senior national title and three golds in a single day is incredibly special. Shooting, shooting, and only shooting is what’s on my mind in the days to come.”
Suruchi’s achievements at the nationals mark a significant milestone in her career. Having trained at the same private range as Manu Bhaker, her transition from junior to senior competitions seems promising. She has previously been part of India’s junior squad, winning team medals at junior world cups. However, her dominance at the senior national level signals her readiness to take on greater challenges on the international stage.