On a cold and gloomy morning at the Karni Singh Shooting Range in New Delhi, 22-year-old Shardul Vihan displayed sheer class to clinch the Men’s Trap gold at the 67th National Shooting Championship. In a closely contested final, Shardul outgunned defending champion and Asian Games silver medallist Lakshay Sheoran, finishing 45-42. This victory marked Shardul’s third gold medal at the championship, adding to his earlier wins in men’s and junior men’s double trap.
Paris Olympian Prithviraj Tondaiman earned the bronze with a score of 34 (121).
Shardul’s path to the final wasn’t easy. He secured the final spot after a tense shoot-off with four other competitors, showcasing his resilience under pressure. Notably, Shardul has a history of excelling on big stages. In 2018, as a 15-year-old, he became India’s youngest shooter to win an Asiad medal, clinching silver in Men’s Double Trap at the Asian Games in Palembang, Indonesia.
In the Women’s Trap final, Bhavya edged past Sabeera Haris in a dramatic shoot-off after both tied at 41. Bhavya clinched the gold with a 9-8 victory, while Shrestha Sisodiya claimed bronze with 32 (109). Shrestha continued her excellent form in the junior category, securing gold with a 44-41 win over Sabeera, while Aashima Ahlawat earned the third-place finish with 31 (108).
In the Junior Men’s Trap, Vinay Pratap Singh claimed gold with a score of 43 (111), defeating Shardul Vihan, who finished second with 41 (116). Zuhair Khan earned bronze with 32 (117).